I was born with a congenital heart defect disclosed at age 3. I'm now almost 63. For all these years I have been rated 1.5% which means I pay 50% more than a person NOT born with a known defect. Even though I had corrective surgery over 50 years ago and I AM the healthiest 60+year old adult congenital heart patient in North America, insurance companies still rate me. The only way I qualified through my adult life giving birth to 3 daughters and skipping the cardiologist for 20 years, in order to obtain a substantially lower health insurance, I had to be part of a group. Recently my asst. did not pay my health insurance and I was dropped. With the re-enrollment, I'm paying over $700/month and I only have 3 doctor visits/year. The increase of $130 was due to Obamacare, not to my congenital defect. I look at BOTH SIDES and see benefits and challenges but I am not scared. My G-d supplies all my needs. I'm so grateful for my relationship and faith!
